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"The structure of language determines not only thought, but reality itself"



This is me

Heather Johnston

TEFL-Certified Neurolanguage Coach® 

Specialized in Mental Health & Psychology

My ICF certification

I help mental health practitioners become more effective communicators and feel more confident when working with English-speaking clients and colleagues.

 Imagine what you can achieve with this improved fluency & confidence!   


➡️ Increase your rates and global opportunities

➡️ Attract more English-speaking clients / patients

➡️ Offer workshops in English to international audiences


Can you relate to the following issues?

  • You suffer from "imposter syndrome" when giving therapy sessions in English.

  • You'd like to open your services to English speakers, but not sure you're ready.

  • You feel that you lack vocabulary and colloquial expressions to connect with native speakers. 

  • The cultural differences in communication styles with certain clients are sometimes confusing.


Whatever your reasons for wanting to improve your English communication skills,

I can help you build the confidence to reach your goals AND enjoy the process!


​© 2022 Heather Johnston - My English Therapy

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